Our team has been hard at work building the best ecological momentary assessment platform that we can, but this group of researchers have been working harder! Over the past few years there have been leaps forward in wellness research and it is thanks to researchers like these who embrace advancements in technology to make their data collection possible.
We are proud to showcase these outstanding individuals who are pursuing experience sampling methodology, ecological momentary assessment, and more.
Sarah Kritzler's new paper analyzes the relationship between personality traits and trait affect. Her team wishes to break down the Big five personality traits and their affect on both situations and behaviors.
Alica Gilbert's thesis dives into technology in our everyday life and the effect it has on our perceived stress levels. She measures participant online awareness and engagement to analyze an individual's online vigilance.
Manal A. Yahya Takes a look into Augmented Reality (AR) and the lack of personalized experiences offered by the technology. By reimagining AR, he hopes to be able to identify fundamental human needs using sensory detection.
Jene Mele analyzes the effect of vaping and e-cigarettes on young adults. The paper compares positive and negative affect based on vape use. This comparison may have insight on increasing numbers of young adults that have started vaping.
Jared Weintraub takes EMA to the workplace by researching flow and its effect on achieving goals. the study uses nudges, or interventions, to try to influence employee flow and overall goal achievement. This study hopes to find the relationship between goal setting, and flow.
These publications are only a snapshot of what Expiwell is capable of. If you are interested in finding out more about our platform, contact us here.
February 12, 2025