2023 ExpiWell Dissertation Award Winners

2023 ExpiWell Dissertation Award Winners

Dr. Louis Tay
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The field of experience sampling methods (ESM) and ecological momentary assessments(EMA) is rapidly evolving, and many bright minds are contributing to the field.

There are established founding researchers in this realm, such as Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Arthur Stone, and Saul Schiffman that are household names. Yet, as the field grows and evolves, up-and-coming researchers are also contributing significantly to our understanding of how different psychological phenomena unfold over time.

With the ExpiWell dissertation award, we seek to spotlight, elevate, and award doctoral students or recent PhDs for their groundbreaking ESM and EMA work. Our goal is to grow, contribute, and give back to the ESM and EMA community.

While we had many amazing applications this year, we only had two awards to give. This year, the dissertation awards go to Tabea Springstein and Mahira Ganster. Tabea is doing work on emotion regulation in everyday life, while Mahira seeks to understand parenting interruptions in everyday work. Both are doing fascinating and groundbreaking research that we have so much to learn from.

See below for their profiles and their videos sharing their work and tips for ESM and EMA researchers.

Mahira Ganster
Mahira Ganster

Mahira (she/her/hers) is a doctoral candidate in Management and Organizations at the University of Arizona’s Eller College of Management. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Industrial-Organizational concentration) and Bachelor of Arts in Spanish at Colorado State University in 2019. Mahira researches employee motivation and well-being across multiple work-life domains. The first area focuses on relationships and relational behaviors at work and home, including employee-family interactions, helping behaviors, incivility, and leadership. Second, she studies how employees cope with different types of work and home demands, including job demands and job search stressors. Mahira's research has been published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics, and Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science & Practice. Additionally, she received the John C. Flanagan Award for Best Student Presentation at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology annual conference for her research examining employee coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tabea Springstein
Tabea Springstein

Tabea Springstein is a PhD candidate at Washington University in St. Louis, and an incoming assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside (starting Summer 2024). She studies emotion and emotion regulation across the adult lifespan and in interpersonal contexts, with a particular focus on how emotions are experienced and regulated in everyday situations. She uses experience sampling and mobile sensing to capture diverse facets of everyday life.

Prior to working in the Emotion and Relationships lab at Washington University in St. Louis, she obtained a Bachelors degree and a Masters degree in Psychology from the University of Vienna and spent a year as a visiting student in the Emotion and Emotion Regulation lab at the University of California, Berkeley.

Website Link: https://www.tabeaspringstein.com/ 

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